Kartikey Sapra
Ever wanted to download a Youtube video using just the browser alone? Here's how to do it...

To download video in FLV format:
Add a new bookmark on either FIREFOX or CHROME only.. and use the following code as your URL:

javascript:window.location.href = 'http://youtube.com/get_video?video_id=' + swfArgs['video_id'] + "&l=" + swfArgs['l'] + "&sk=" + swfArgs['sk'] + '&t=' + swfArgs['t'];

While you are viewing a video on youtube that you want to keep, simply click that bookmark and it will begin downloading

To save in MP4 format (HQ)
Just like above, add a bookmark and save this as the URL:

javascript:window.location.href = 'http://youtube.com/get_video?video_id=' + swfArgs['video_id'] + "&fmt=18" + "&l=" + swfArgs['l'] + "&sk=" + swfArgs['sk'] + '&t=' + swfArgs['t'];

Upon clicking your newly found buttons, you will be asked where you wish to save your video. And Presto! Instant youtube downloading gratification!

This works for my Google Chrome Browser and Firefox too!!! Tested...
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