This tutorial is to show you how to get the Quick Launch Bar back in Win7.
Right click on an empty space on the Task Bar (it's the bar at the bottom of the screen where the clock is) and remove the check out of 'Lock the task bar'. Right click once again and select 'New tool bar.
Copy and paste the following code into the location bar. see pic below
Click the blue arrow in the location bar to make sure the address looks like the one below.
Now click the 'Select Folder' button.
Now you can see the Quick Launch bar in the task bar, but it is all the way to the right, near the clock. If you remembered to unlock the task bar, then all you do is mouse over the dotted line beside QL bar until the mouse pointer turns into a double pointed arrows, left click once and hold and drag it all the way to the left next to what used to be the Start Button (it is now a button with the Windows Logo on it). Now, do the same thing to the other side to bring the end all the way over to the left. (remember to click on the dotted lines)
One step left to go. Right click on the dotted lines and remove the check marks from "Show text" and "Show title.
Once you have the QL bar where you want it, right click on the task bar once again and put a check next to 'Lock the task bar.'
There! you have a Quick Launch bar once again. This is merely one of many things that are now missing in Win7 that we are used to in other versions of Windows. Hardly anyone knows how to do this.
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