step 1:)
download this partition manager(u can use other partition manager but i m using this.its free!)
[download home edition]
step 2:)
after downloading open up easuse partition master
(info:my space
c:=60 gb
d:=40 gb)
now we will have to get unallocated space.choose a drive which u want to shrink and get unallocated space and add to c drive.
[i choose d drive]
step 3:)
lets shrink it little bit(u can shrink as much u want as example i am shrinking only 1 gb)
1.right click on d drive and click resize/ move.
2.then shrink ur drive space by taking the two head pointer left.
step 4:)
then u will see unallocated space in gray in the next to the d drive.drag it to the next to the c drive.
step 5:)
then right click on c drive and click on resize and move you will see some free space next to it.extend the two head pointer over the free space.and then click ok.
step 6:)
click on apply button on the left panel.wait a second till the work done then check your c drive and u will see it extended.
download this partition manager(u can use other partition manager but i m using this.its free!)
[download home edition]
step 2:)
after downloading open up easuse partition master
(info:my space
c:=60 gb
d:=40 gb)
now we will have to get unallocated space.choose a drive which u want to shrink and get unallocated space and add to c drive.
[i choose d drive]
step 3:)
lets shrink it little bit(u can shrink as much u want as example i am shrinking only 1 gb)
1.right click on d drive and click resize/ move.
2.then shrink ur drive space by taking the two head pointer left.
step 4:)
then u will see unallocated space in gray in the next to the d drive.drag it to the next to the c drive.
step 5:)
then right click on c drive and click on resize and move you will see some free space next to it.extend the two head pointer over the free space.and then click ok.
step 6:)
click on apply button on the left panel.wait a second till the work done then check your c drive and u will see it extended.
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